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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  March 13, 2019 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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in the morning. later on today, it's going to be gorgeous with sunshine. really comfortable temperatures and those breezes from yesterday. they won't be around. they are right now in places like fairfield. 25. across the water, our bridges are still pretty breezy and busy. here's ak loot at mt. tam. it's bouncing with 21 to 29 miles per hour. high pressure settles. calms us down. just a little warmer than that because of the chill out there. at noon, we're 54 to 56. full-on sunshine. milder this afternoon. 50s at the coast. low 60s elsewhere. it will be pretty comfortable. 52 to 56. let's get alexis in here. good morning. >> good morning, mike. we're looking at one of the cal trans cameras. it's focused on eastbound side of 80 near san pablo. we're looking at the westbound side where you've got all of the brake lights this morning. that is, of course, approaching a collision. i believe that's it there in the left lane. four vehicles involved. someone on the shoulder as well. still no update on injuries.
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we're definitely sthbackup clim the richmond area. we'll look at this on our traffic maps too. have not gotten a lot of new information. right at san pablo avenue. if you are coming in from highway 4, i'll take a look at that drive time and see what that's looking like in a few minutes. thank you, alexis. the investigation into the college admissions scam is far from over. >> federal authorities say the arrest of dozens of wealthy parents should be a warning to others. don't cheat to get ahead. you will be caught. prosecutors say 33 parents paid a total of about $25 million to william singer to get their kids into elite colleges. including stanford, yale and usc. the payments were often disguised as charitable donations. singer owns a nonprofit called key worldwide foundation and edge college and career network. he used payments to bribe college officials, coaches and entrance exam administrators.
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abc news chief legal analyst dan abrams explains how it could affect the students involved. >> first of all, if they knew and were part of this, they could get charged. if they were part of of the fraud. question two is on the university's part, what do they do about someone who has gotten a thousand on the pstat suddenly got a 14-something on the s.a.t. based on the help that they got. what if the student is doing okay in school? do they still kick them out? what if they got' degree already? >> felicity huffman and lori loughl loughlin. >> huffman woke up to fbi agents with guns drawn. she was released after a judge approved a $250,000 bond. at last check, loughlin was in canada. she is there before a warrant eventually leads to her arrest. the list of rich and famous parents who paid to get their kids in the elite schools includes several who call the bay area home. >> abc 7 news reporter matt
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keller is live for us at stanford with a look at the parents.ah. a lot of people here in the bay area caught up in the scandal. the amount of money listed in this indictment is big. in fact, listen to how big this amount of money is that was exchanged and it was listed in the indictment manual and elizabeth enriquez from atherton. describes him as a founder of herb lease capital, investment firm. henrich ez and his wife are -- on four separate occasions for their two daughters. the indictment claims it paid a tennis coach nearly a million dollars to designate their older daughter as a tennis coach in order to facilitate her admission to the university. they've been charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud. william mcglash lynn from mill valley, he made landmark investments in companies like
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uber and airbnb, bill earned an mba from stanford school of business. he's charged with kpir to commit mail fraud and honest mail fraud. there is more information on matt keller, abc 7 news. matt, thanks. here's a look at one of the nine college coaches accused of accepting bribes. he is stanford sailing coach john vand more. the university fired him before he pled guilty. william singer paid the sail team account more than $600,000 to get two sailing team recruits into the school. in at least one of the cases, a false student athlete profile was created. of course, the admissions process can be highly competitive and difficult to and a half nate. >> a lot of families look for help tutoring or help with the process. although, obviously, many don't pay thousands of dollars for that help and they don't cheat.
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new at 6:00, the college admissions counselor is on gma to explain what you should look out for. >> i mean, look as a representative of one of these organizations that will help people navigate the college admissions pro process, step number one beware anyone who offers a guarantee. i believe that word was used several times in the course of negotiations between families and the people were taking the money to provide the services. >> the parents may be doing it for the parents. >> we have a lot more on this story that everyone is talking about on our website. also on the news app. including how the universities with coaches accused of accepting bribes are now responding. our other big story. governor gavin newsom will announce he's suspending the death penalty in california. he will reprieve more than 700 condemned inmates at san quen n quentin's death row. the governor will issue an executive order. the last execution that happened in the state was 2006.
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in ppad rerktoday, he lls al one. e death penaltycote >> running the mechanism of death, whether it's the prisons, the death row itself, whether it's the legal formalities that are there, it's wildly expensive. >> the president just responded on twitter this morning. he writes, "defying voters, governor of california will halt all death penalty executions of 737 stone-cold killers. friends and families of the always forgotten victims are not thrilled and neither am i." anchor he eric thomas will be there for the -- you can watch for his reports on midday live and then again at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. a plan to build a homeless shelter along san francisco's waterfront is drawing opposition
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from neighbors. >> san francisco's department of homelessness in support of housing wants to build a navigation center along the embarcadero across from piers 30 and 32. the shelter would have about 200 beds. right now the property is a parking lot. according to the examiner, people living in rain pond hill and south beach say this is not an appropriate place for a shelter. a man in the country ille l illegally accused of killing a south bay mother, the case that could spark another battle with federal immigration authorities. new at 6:00, a major change to the plan to revitalize candlestick point. what will be built instead of a billion dollar shopping center. weatherwise, we still have breezes out there. look at north bay hills, 11 to 25. the temperatures get back to average today. low to mid-60s.
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here's a look at the temperatures down in the south bay. look at los gatos at 38. morgan hill 37. everybody else 40 to 47 degrees in santa clara. we're at 39 in redwood city. danville, lafayette, excuse me, 36 in danville, 47 alameda. 49 in san francisco. 44 in san pablo. want novato. to dress warmer. it's going to be serene today. high uv index. black ice possible in the high country. north bay, 30 eads at 8:00.
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50s at noon. low 60s from 2:00 to 4:00. back down to 51 under the stars. east bay, 44 at 8:00. 57 at noon. low 60s this afternoon. 54 at 8:00. just like everywhere else, total sunshine in san francisco. 45 at 8:00. mid 50s to upper 50s noon through 8:00. enjoy what's going to be a terrific day. here's alexis. good morning, mike. i wish i had the same for the commute. not so terrific as some areas. we're looking at the east bay. westbound 80. right around san pablo dam road. san pablo avenue area. this is a little bit behind the crash. we've got a four-vehicle collision blocking the left lane. lot of details. we obviously have a backup. a problem at the bay bridge toll plaza. i crash before the tollbooths. that one cleared. we're dealing with the metering lights about 5:35. maybe a bit before that in my opinion. westbound 80, highway 4 to the maze. 44 minutes.
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14 across the bay bridge. no delays southbound 101 to san francisco. sfo. ten minutes. thanks, alexis. a billion dollar shopping center at candlestick point isn't going to happen. five point holdings confirmed they plan to build office space instead. the future of the site has been in question since april of last year when the project was put on hold while the developer reevaluated the design. the new plan calls for 2900 homes, a small amount of retail and the office space to be built between now and 2025. former vice president joe biden dropped another hint about a possible presidential run. a possible presidential run. >> plus a growing obesity do you wt ready to wear clothing without all the hassle? you can, with bounce dryer sheets. we dried one shirt without bounce, and an identical shirt using bounce. the bounce shirt has fewer wrinkles, less static, and more softness and freshness. bounce out wrinkles, bounce out static. i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early... or too late.
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or make me feel like i'm not really "there." talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424. whatever your dog serestbrings he to you,to. it shouldn't be fleas and ticks. seresto gives your dog 8 continuous months of flea and tick protection in an easy-to-use, non-greasy collar. 8-month. seresto, seresto, seresto. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearg off. (coughs) ah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours, and i'm good. mucinex releases fast and lasts 12 hou, not 4. let's end this.
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♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ - wow! organic at this price? [gentle harp chords] is this for real? - not exactly. that's "bargain bliss" setting in. you're basking in the glow of name brand organic food products for shockingly low prices. - i guess the harpist isn't real either. - oh, she's real. she shops here every sunday. ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ - [chord played] - [laughter]
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police say a man accused of killing a woman is in the country illegally with a long criminal record. this is likely to spark another i.c.e. debate. carlos alvaro carranza stabbed and beat bambi larson to death. he's convicted of more than ten crimes in the last three years. >> i'm always surprised by ones that get arrested and they've had a long record. how do they keep getting out? justice system sometimes, i
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think, just fails us in that respect. >> santa clara county has a policy of not cooperating with i.c.e. sheriff laurie smith said in part, quote, it has been my long-standing position that all undocumented immigrants who are serious or violent felons should be held for i.c.e. -- s -- former vice president joe biden dropped another hint about possibly jumping into the 2020 presidential race soon. >> thank you, thank you. save it a little longer. i may need it in a few weeks. >> he spoke before the association of firefighters. he took the stage to criticize president trump. the democratic field is expected to only get more crowded. former texas congressman beto o'rourke is also on the cusp of jumping into the race.
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we shall see. mitt romney, now 72 years old. a lot of buzz over how he celebrated his birthday. >> his team surprised him with this cake full of twinkies. they're talking about how he removed every single candle and blows them out one by one. romney says he's dealing with a cold and didn't want to get germs on the twinkies. >> okay. >> hmm. >> method to the madness. >> sure. looking good at 72. >> there you go. >> absolutely. >> let's talk about what's going on outside as far as -- look at that. this is denver. i have live doppler 7. hundreds, if not thousands of flights are canceled because of this enormous snowstorm and rainstorm. let me widen this out. tons of snow in the rockies heading up towards the upper midwest. now, you head towards minneapolis and wisconsin, there's a chance that all of that wet weather will fall on snow and cause flooding. we've got severe weather possible in the mid south and
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just windy conditions everywhere outside of us today. it's gone away from us. san jose, sunny, breezes relax. clear. ko calm and cool. a chance of rain next week. several days away. today, 60 at half moon bay. 67 at lakeport. in napa, san jose, morgan hill at 65. 67 degrees at santa rosa. 64 at concord and livermore. fremont 63. oakland and richmond. san mateo at 62. just about exactly where we should be. that wonderful spring day that you've been waiting for, full of sunshine, incredible views because of the clean air and calm conditions. that's today. 30s and 40s again tonight. let's take a look at the accuweather seven-day forecast. today same as today. high clouds roll on through. the warming trend takes off friday and through the weekend and doesn't stop until monday
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when we reach the 70s. then a 1 for the storm impact scale tuesday. good mornin mike. not much of a change. one significant issue on the roads in the east bay. taking you to the richmond area, westbound 80 around san pablo island. we have a four-vehicle collision, one bus and three sedans involved in this. that's blocking the left lane. as we zoom out and take you to that backup, you're averaging around ten miles an hour approaching the scene. not a lot of great alternates through this area. you can use some surface streets. south bay, you've been quiet as far as incidents are concerned this morning. we're filling in volumewise. san jose, northbound 280, around highway 17, nothing major at the moment. hopefully, it stays quiet. here's bridges, drive times. drive times for bridges. richmond-san rafael, 8 minutes. nu dumbarton bridge. "good morning america" is coming up at 7:00 on abc 7.
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>> rob marciano live in new york city with a look at what's ahead on the show this morning. hey, r. o jeicodo h you both on this wednesday. gma, the latest on the college admiss actresses like lori loughlin and felicity huffman. parents paying to get their kids into elite schools. will they spend time behind bars. what can you do to make sure your kids get a fair shake? advice from college admissions experts on gma. also this morning, breaking new developments involving the crucial black boxes in that deadly plane crash. as concerns grow about the boeing 737 max, we are live on the scene again. plus, colton finally found love. the bachelor winning back cassie. a stunning twist in the finale. this morning, guess what guys? they were both here live on gma
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as you would imagine. we're bursting with love all around. plus the hit show singing about love. the red hearts in march. are you psyched? >> the broadway show, be more chill. i know that. stereo typically into broadway shows. but looking forward to it. >> and sports. i see. >> and sports. >> he knows everything sports. >> yeah. >> it's a real surprise, rob. >> renaissance man like reginald. >> since we lived in atlanta together, i've really changed, as you can see. so much has evolved. i'm just another bro. >> a surprise look on rob's face says it all. >> all the better. >> thank you very much, we'll see you soon. >> all right, guys. >> see you. the popular makeup products you should stop using
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wait, xfinity lets crazy fast internet speeds, and pick the types of channels i want?
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leftovers on the menu. those will relax. look at the temperatures respond. almost spot on for today. low to mid-60s. don't forkt the 70s this
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weekend. we'll talk about that in the next half hour. thanks, mike. new at 6:00, claire's is recalling these products. they include eye shadow, compact powder. claire's pulled the products from shelves last week after the fda issued a warning. you can return it for a refund. we have a list of the batch numbers on our website, j.c. penney plans to shut down its department store in newark. the retailer wrote an official notice to the employment development department earlier this month saying that 60 jobs would be eliminated. they announced they would close stores but didn't say the locations. hulu and spotify announced a partnership offering a new bundle to new and existing spotify premium subscribers. new spotify users can gain access to tv and music services for three for 30 days and then you'll pay $9.99 per month.
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users who signed up last year for $12.99 will have it automatically lowered. the deal runs until june 10th. here's a good reason to go on a walk with your dog this morning. >> a survey finds nearly 60% of cats and more than 55% of dogs are overweight or obese. the association for pet obesity surveyed more than 2,000 pet owners in 41 states. the results released yesterday found pet obesity rates plateau add last year. it's the single biggest threat to our pets' health. pet owners should work with their vet to create a weight loss plan and the vet should be more specific rather than saying you need to feed him less and exercise him more. >> sorry fido. no extra treat this morning. >> don't feed them the table scraps. angry drivers on morning commute. where san francisco ranks on the country's most aggressive drivers. pg&e will not face charges for the 201 wildfires.
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why they decided not to prosecute. this is a live picture of a frantic rescue that is happening right now after a school collapsed. we're gathering details. we'll have much more up next. if you're watching us on or our news app, thank you. good morning. if you're on the go, you can take us with you. get up to the minute
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right now at 6:30, governor newsome's moratorium on the death penalty is saving the lives of more than 700 death row inmates. the reaction to the decision this morning. the deadly boeing crash overseas, we're learning at least two u.s. pilots reported issues with the plane. the growing calls for american authorities to ground max jets. rich and famous parents cheating their kids into college. from hollywood actors to bay area ceos. how they did it and the surprising statements lori loughlin's daughter made on her youtube channel. plus, how chipotle's new rewards plan could add money to your bank account. come on burritos. >> that tasty burrito wasn't enough. >> worried about the calories. >> good morning on this wednesday, march.
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thanks for being there. >>let start with weather. >> great day to be outside. it's a little breezy out there. we call them leftovers from yesterday where it was brisk. you can see 20 to 45 above the 1,000 feet. they were still around 5 to 20 miles per hour over the open water. still breezy on the bridges and maybe alexis can expand upon that. northwest, 21 to 29 on mt. tam. you can see it bouncing there. look how clean that air is. today will be the day with the best visibility and lightest winds. when you factor all of those together, 40 to 46 this morning. little bit of a windchill. 4 5 4 to 56 at noon. the low 60s at 4:00. look at that, 52 to 56 with sunshine at 7:00. here's alexisment. >> mike, we have high-wind advisories for the bay bridge and benicia bridges this morning. could be a little gusty out over the water. want to take you to our one and only sig-alert at the moment. westbound 80 at mcbryde avenue. they updated the location of
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that. we still have that four-vehicle collision blocking the left lane. sounds like a transit bus and three other vehicles involved in this. this is a look at the backup from our san pablo dam road camera. this is the one provided by cal trans. you can see flashing lights. blocking the left lane. trying to get tow trucks there right now. sounds like they'll be there 30 more minutes. the requirements for a sig-alert. thanks, alexis. we want to start with breaking news from nigeria. this is a live look from lagos where 2:30 in the afternoon right now. you can see the effort there under way after a three-story school building collapsed. according to the o associated press, school was in session at the time of the crash. it's unknown how many children
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were inside. we have seen some kids being carried out of the rubble. thankfully, those kids that we've seen rescued are alive. one kid was listed out of the rubble. building collapses are said to be common in nigeria because there are few regulations and rules in place on new construction. we're continuing to monitor this story. obviously that rescue effort under way right now. as you look at the live pictures, look at how many are standing by. updates on abc 7 mornings and the app and >> that is terrifying. >> we'll keep you updated on that. governor newsom expected to suspend the death penalty in california. >> it will mean a reprieve for more than 700 inmates on death row. amy hollyfield is live at san quentin prison this morning. amy? >> reporter: jessica, this caught the attention of president trump. he tweeted about the governor's decision to abolish the death penalty. take a look. president trump wrote on a tweet
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this morning defying voters. the governor of california will halt all death penalty executions of 737 stone cold killers. friends and families of the always forgotten victims are not thrilled and neither am i. the governor says the death penalty has been a failure. he will sign an executive order to halt executions today. the decision may be a moral one, but it also impacts california's finances. >> it is without a doubt very important, it's a huge step, it's a monumental thing for the governor to do. it may have influence in other states. it may well lead to even more dramatic change within the state of california. >> reporter: california hasn't executed someone since 2006. the courts put a stop to them to reevaluate the system. it appears the courts are close to clearing the way to start
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them again. experts say that's why the governor likely is doing this now. reporting live at san quentin, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. amy, thank you. in a statement just issued this morning. senator kamala harris says she supports newsom. as a career law enforcement official, if opposed the death penalty because it is immoral, discriminatory and a gross miss use of taxpayer dollars. harris, of course is running for president. eric thomas will be in sacramento for the announcement this morning from newsom. after, he'll be speaking one-on-one with the governor. you can look for the live reports on abc 7 news at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. now to the backlash against the boeing 737 max 8 in the wake of the deadly crash in ethiopia. at least two pilots reported safety concerns to the u.s. government before the crash. the faa is facing mounting pressure to join others around the world to ground aircraft. it's unclear what led to the
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plane crash in ethiopia. black boxes have been found but they won't be examined until the debris is cleared. abc news aviation analyst steve began yard says waiting will hurt the public. >> so we always keep talking about the mishaps. find the black box. that's because this will almost always answer why an airplane went down. every day the ethiopians delay it, they're putting the general public at risk. >> the faa said in a statement, there's no basis to order grounding of the max 8. concerned travelers should check with american airlines and southwest. they list the type of plane uld be traveling on during the wookiwoo booking process. pg&e will not face charges. they've decided against prosecuting the utility. sonoma's district attorney says there's not enough evidence to prove pg&e acted with a reckless disregard for human life.
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cal fire determined the company's equipment caused numerous wildfires in the fourus pg&e still faces several civil lawsuits and has declared gordon maher calling for a meeting with the -- in the next year, airbnb, lyft, uber and pinterest plan to go public, which could produce thousands of new millionaires. that could drive housing prices up even more in san francisco. the chronicle reports supervisor maher wants the officials to assess potential imt packets that the new millionaires could have on business tax revenues, housing costs and gentrification. ac transit on track to raise fares this summer. they will vote on a proposal today. it would apply to cash and clipper card fares. if approved, adults would have to pay an extra 15 cents to right this year and an additional $.25 in 2021 and
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2023. ac transit told the daily californian operating costs and capital needs have they're working now to clean up their community and build a better bay area with the new app. they launched the site and the app called rubbish last summer. the duo wanted to organize, categorize, pick up and change the trash scene in the city. as part of the pilot program, the rubbish team has been washing up and down polk street picking up trash three times a week and gathering data. the rubbish runs, as they call them, got simpler once they created a so-called beam which picks up trash while taking a picture that uploads to the site. >> this would be considered other. so i just press that button and that photo, location, the time it was picked unup is all recorded. >> they collected 8,000
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cigarette butts over two months. the next step is to reach out to the san francisco department of public works to possibly partner up. a spokesperson likes the idea. there are a lot of ways we can make things better. what are your ideas? we want to see them. add the #better bay area when you tweet, facebook or instagram what hyou're thinking. mother nature is going to bring us better weather today. starts off on the chilly side. redwood city 38. everybody else in the mid-40s on the peninsula. lets check out other neighborhoods. los gatos, 38. san ramon, 37. antioch at 48. concord 41. we have upper 30s in fairfield, napa santa rosa, 41 right now in san rafael. here's the way it looks. looking west across the san mateo bridge. it's a little breezy this morning. leftover breezes. but this afternoon will be much calmer. the breezes still brisk waiting for mass transit this morning. the bay, like everything else, will get calmer. high pressure comes in. look at this, wall to wall
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sunshine on the peninsula. grab the sunglasses. it's still cool at 8:00. 43. mid to upper 50s this afternoon. 50 at 8:00. east bay valleys, big range from 41 at 8:00 to 61 at 2:00. 63 at 4:00. then 54 at 8:00. all day sunshine in the south bay. 40s until 10:00. 55 at noon. and then near 60 this afternoon. it just keeps getting warmer through the weekend and one chance of rain in the accuweather seven-day forecast. i'll wrap that up next. how about the commute this morning. let's turn to alexis. >> yesterday we had several major issues. today we have one at this point. it's still in the richmond area. westbound 80 at mcbryde avenue. they did update that location. but we have a sig-alert. got four-vehicle collision, one of those transit bus involved here. that is still blocking the left lane. it does sound like tow trucks are trying to get to the scene. we have not gotten a lot of additional info. i can tell you the backups continue to get worse.
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highway 4 to the maze in the red at 51 minutes. westbound 80, bay bridge, 16 minutes in the yellow. southbound 101, san francisco to sfo, no issues. in the green at ten minutes. mass transit has been very quiet this morning. no trouble here. b.a.r.t. 53 trains in service. no delays. ace. normal service. operation varsity blues. the largest college cheating bust ever. the reaction this morning as we wait for actress lori loughlin to turn herself in and the local parents facing charges. you're looking live at the big board at the new york stock exchange. another update on how the markets are doing coming up next. going up? you'll seen see taller buildings going up in san jose. the bachelorp the happy couple. no engagement. we'll hear from colton and cassie. isn't this how we all feel on a wednesday morning? a sleepy seal getting a lot of attention on twitter after it was recorded waking up for a short brief second and then you
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see it fall asleep again on seaweed. the moment captured by divers off the coast of england earlier this month. it's so sweet. >> this seal is all of us. i love the one with the designer dog collar.(sashimi) psst. hey, you!
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wondering how i upgraded to this sweet pad? a 1,200-square-foot bathroom, and my very own spa. all i had to do was give my human "the look". with wells fargo's 3% down payment on a fixed-rate loan and a simpler online application, getting into my dream home was easier than ever. get your human to visit what would she do without me?
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all right. let's take care of the schools and the parents. 42 to 46. 00ith nsne160% oavere. because y
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that's w look at this, wall to wall sunshine. 54 in eureka, 70s in angeles. 30s and 40s up in the high country where they're still buried. look at all that snow. there will be a slight chance of -- no, there's no snow. sorry. it's going to be coldest today. 35. but about 50 by sunday. breaking news into the abc 7 newsro newsroom. we've learned in less than two hours at 8:30, mayor london breed will announce her choice for the city's next fire chief. the announcement will be made at city hall. according to the examiner, there are three finalists. two are internal. deputy chief jeanine nicholson and michael thompson. the third is from outside the area, stockton fire chief erik
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newman. you can download the abc 7 news app and be the first to know at 8:30 this morning once the new fire chief is named. we will send out a push alert. developing news. lori loughlin will reportedly surrender today. she's facing a college admissions scandal involving millions of dollars. >> meanwhile, loughlin's daughter is a freshman at usc and social media influencer. >> i want the experience of gamedays, partying, i don't really care about school. as you guys all know. >> loughlin and her husband, allegedly paid half a million dollars in bribes to get their two daughters considered as recruits for the usc crew team even though they didn't row. we're learning new details about the arrest of act felicity huffman went down. fbi agents showed up at huffman's home in los angeles yesterday with guns drawn. they told her about the charges, handcuffed her and took her int
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school, i don't believe that. that's the wrong lesson to teach them, absolutely. >> both huffman and loughlin have been charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and wire fraud. the actresses and more than 30 other parents face up to 20 years in prison if convicted. old tweets and videos are not aging well. we put together a map showing all the schools named in the federal indictment. it's an elite list that stretches, as you can see, from coast to coast. while most of the schools are private, there are some public universities you see austin listed among them. they include one of the largest colleges in the country. university of texas austin. ucla is on there. san diego. >> stanford on the list as well as you see on the map. as for abc 7 news reporter, matt keller is live this morning. >> he's talking about the specific charges involving bay area parents, matt. >> reporter: good morning, reggie and jessica. they're facing serious charges but this morning we're finding out that they're facing
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consequences outside of the courtroom as well. listen to this one here. manuel and elizabeth hen from atherton. he's described as a founder, chairman and ceo of hercules capital. that's changed now. this morning, hercules capital announced that he's voluntarily stepped aside as chairman and ceo after he became ensnared in the scandal. he was arrested in new york city on tuesday and released on $500,000 bail. hercules said that he will still hold a seat on the board and serve as an adviser. according to the indictment, he and his wife participated in the cheating scheme on four separate occasions to their two daughters. the indictment claims they paid the head tennis coach nearly $1 million to designate their older daughter as a tennis coach in order to facilitate her admission to the university. now, there are a lot of more accused here in the bay area. for more information go to
6:49 am reporting live at stanford university, matt keller. abc 7 news. >> pretty outrageous. matt thank you. the list of those charged is one of the top viewed on our website. learn more at irs investigator in san francisco is expected in court today. federal prosecutors say john fry admit today leaking confidential reports belonging to president trump aes former attorney, michael cohen. the leaked details include the financial transactions to attorney michael avenatti. new this morning, taller buildings coming to san jose. the city council approved the plans to increase building heights by 35 feet downtown and 150 feet near diridon station. supporters say taller buildings will give companies like google rom to expand. google plans to build a huge campus near diridon. >> in competition with other markets like seattle, portland, denver.
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>> critics say it could limit the airspace planes need in the event of an emergency landing at min et san jose airport and it could limit airport expansion. here's your morning money report. chipotle is giving a wave $250,000. >> it's spending the money through venmo. the promo runs through friday. if you register for the new rewards program, you can earn free food by redeeming points for every dollar spent. if you sign up before june 23rd, you'll get free chips and guacamole. a live look at the stock exchange as trading gets under way. in the green up 101 points. if you haven't filed your taxes yet, you have about a month. tax experts will be here tomorrow answering your questions from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. you can submit your questions on facebook and twitter right now. just use the #ask finney. all right. bachelor nation, i know you're all talking about that finale
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this morning. >> colton underwood handed his final rose to cassie randolph. she had previously dumped him. but colton broke up with the remaining two contestants and asked cassie for a second chance. she accepted saying she was touched by his commitment. this morning on gma colton and cassie described their excitement. they felt after the finale. now they can finally make their relationship public. >> we're at the airport and like we're together in public. >> it was so fun. i felt like a rebel. >> are you going to spend some time in new york city? i hope -- >> we're going to frozen on broadway tomorrow. it's our first date. >> their first date? >> first date. >> you don't count every single other date on the show. >> you can watch their interview this morning on gma starting at 7:00 after abc 7 mornings. their first date in public after the big reality tv show. without any other people in the
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way. >> cameras in the way. >> yeah. >> who are we to say? >> not me. >> at least they're going to frozen. >> actually, the woman who plays ana is a huge -- is a huge bachelor fan. she loves the bachelor. con tantly tweeting about it. that will be fun on their first date. >> maybe something special. let's take a look at what's going on outside. 6:52. here's a look at the big picture. look at that massive system covering a third, almost half of the country with flooding in the upper midwest. blizzards through the rocky mountai mountains. dangerous winds in the high plains and severe weather in the south. mid south and heading to the southeast. we're like, yeah, it's all your problem now. we're back into high pressure and sunshine and milder temperatures in those breezes. they're relaxing today. expect the bay to look a little calmer this morning. how about the temperatures
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today. 57 in lakeport. everybody else in the low to mid-60s. 60 to 65 until you go back to the north bay. santa rosa at 67 degrees. an offshore breeze will develop today helping to warm the temperatures. in san jose, we're going to have tree pollen. the biggest pollen producers are ash, pine and willow. we'll add to that as the warm weather takes over the next several days. seasonably cool at 9:00. lot of 30s out there. let me tell you where the 40s are. >> richmond, oakland, san mateo. the rest of us in the mid to upper 30s. without the breeze and the windchill, high clouds will dim the sunshine enough to keep the sunshine the same as today. look how warm it is saturday, sunday, monday. mid-730s on the coast. a 1 on the storm impact scale. a light storm that will stop the warming trend tuesday. ziemt alexis? >> good morning mike we have two sig-alerts. westbound 80 at mcbryde avenue in richmond.
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we still have the left lane blocked due it an. thdesome type of transit bus. i have seen them taken away. second left lane to get the tow trucks into position. one lane is blocked right now. a new problem and sig-alert issued for the bay bridge commute. we have reports of a two-vehicle collision blocking the far right lane. just a moment ago, we issued that sig-alert. sounds like it will be there for a while. westbound 580 tracy to dublin, 52 minutes. westbound 4, antioch to concord in the red. better than yesterday. southbound 101, san rafael to san francisco in the yellow at 18 minutes. okay. new this morning, if you think driving in san francisco is awful? you're not alone. the bay area has the fifth most aggressive drivers in the country. gas buddy ranked 30 metro areas and analysts looked at the frequency of speeding and hard braking to gauge aggressiveness
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and here are the top five. los angeles, i don't think anyone surprised there. they have the most aggressive drivers followed by philadelphia, sacramento ranked third. then atlanta and san francisco rounds out the top five. we're not proud to be on the list but we're on it. >> we sure are. >> you know, i think it's pretty accurate. >> i'm not surprised. >> yeah. >> reggie, you've lived in atlanta. you said very aggressive there. >> i thought so. >> we know sacramento is getting congested. a lot of people are moving there. maybe that's part of it. >> not new york, huh? >> i guess not. >> it's stereotypical of cap driver honking at you. i'm walking here. that kind of situation. >> guess not. >> new york city resident. >> come on, san
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6:57 am
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if you're just joining us or heading out the door, the seven things to know before you go. number one, governor gavin newsom will announce he's suspending the death penalty in. he will issue an executive order. the last execution in the state was carried out in 2006. number 2, full house actress lor lori loughlin is -- it looks
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like loughlin. it's lauk lynn. is expected to appear in a courtroom today after being named in a criminal complaint for allegedly taking part in that massive college admissions scheme. number 3, a dozen bay area parents also caught up in the scandal, you can find a full list on the website, number 4, breaking news out of nigeria. a three-story school building has collapsed. rescuers are pulling kids from the rubble. it's not known houb how many are inside. the sig-alert. it cleared westbound 80 at mcbryde and richmond. long residuals remain. enjoy the wonderful sunshine and calm conditions this morning. number 7, hanna b. is officially the next bachelorette. it was revealed on the bachelor finale last night. she posted this adorable throwback photo on instagram saying wish me y'all. the new season premieres in may. >> prediction? >> on that? >> that's too early. early, mike.
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i'll zero in. give me 30 days or something. >> you nailed this one. >> she met five of good morning, america. all the latest now on that massive scheme, rich and famous parents cheat their kids into college. 50 people arrested in "operation varsity blues." famous ceos and actors like tv stars lori loughlin and felicity huffman accused of scamming schools. cheating on tests and faking their kids' academic and athletic abilities to get into the top colleges in the country. some even used doctored photos like these. others pretended their children had learning disabilities, paying millions in bribes. now the man at the center of the scam is pleading guilty. dozens of parents arrested. and this is not the end. more cases could be coming. breaking news involving those crucial black boxes in that deadly boeing crash. authorities now sending them overseas as calls grow for the


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